Opus Dei in LA.

Published on April 7, 2010

Ann Neumann: Yesterday the Vatican announced that Mexican-born Archbishop Jose Gomez of San Antonio will succeed Roger M. Mahoney as Cardinal of the Los Angeles diocese, the nation’s largest. Gomez will be the first Latin-born Cardinal in the U.S. and will lead a diocese that is spiritual home to 5 million; 70% Latinos. A favorite of both […]

Ann NeumannYesterday the Vatican announced that Mexican-born Archbishop Jose Gomez of San Antonio will succeed Roger M. Mahoney as Cardinal of the Los Angeles diocese, the nation’s largest. Gomez will be the first Latin-born Cardinal in the U.S. and will lead a diocese that is spiritual home to 5 million; 70% Latinos. A favorite of both John Paul II and the current Pope Benedict XVI, Gomez is a full member of Opus Dei. His leadership will undoubtedly present a strong contrast to Mahoney, one of the last more-liberal, post-Vatican II appointees. For more on Opus Dei read here and here. For more on Archbishop Gomez read here. For more on Cardinal Mahoney read here.

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