Only Campaign Promises Can Break Your Heart

Published on January 19, 2005

Have the “moral values” voters been had? Social conservatives are calling the White House in droves to complain about Bush’s comments to The Washington Post last weekend, stating that he didn’t intend to lobby the Senate to pass an amendment banning gay marriage as a number of senators had indicated they wouldn’t support the amendment […]

Have the “moral values” voters been had? Social conservatives are calling the White House in droves to complain about Bush’s comments to The Washington Post last weekend, stating that he didn’t intend to lobby the Senate to pass an amendment banning gay marriage as a number of senators had indicated they wouldn’t support the amendment unless courts strike down the federal Defense of Marriage Act (which allows states to disregard same-sex marriages conducted in other states). “‘It was not articulated that way in the campaign,'” said Family Research Council president, Tony Perkins, who considers marriage the most pressing issue facing the country. Focus on the Family president Tom Minnery wondered why Bush was using his “political capital” on Social Security reform rather than marriage. “‘The nation is greatly conflicted on that issue [Social Security reform]. [But] the nation is united on marriage.'” Though by “the nation” Minnery seems to mean “the victors,” Bush advisors have privately admitted that the president is shying away from battles over abortion and same-sex marriage “that cannot be won.”

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