Oldest Magazine on the Continent Likes My Book!

Published on September 8, 2008

Sharlet: The oldest continuously published magazine in North America — and the second oldest in the English-speaking world — likes The Family. Says the United Church Observer: “From the early evangelical efforts of Jonathan Edwards in the 18th century, through the ministry of the Family’s founder, Abraham Vereide, in Seattle starting in the 1930s, to today’s efforts […]

Sharlet: The oldest continuously published magazine in North America — and the second oldest in the English-speaking world — likes The Family. Says the United Church Observer: “From the early evangelical efforts of Jonathan Edwards in the 18th century, through the ministry of the Family’s founder, Abraham Vereide, in Seattle starting in the 1930s, to today’s efforts at channeling mainstream American politics by the Family’s current leader and Washington insider Doug Coe, there has been a solid and silent movement to foster a particular kind of obedience to God in America…. Sharlet is a skilful writer who brings eloquence and a sense of wonder to this important story. Though he restrains himself from making judgments, his descriptive abilities encourage us to think carefully about the role of evangelical Christianity in this postmodern world, where everything and everyone is somehow connected.”

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