Obama's Dot, Dot, Dot

Published on September 7, 2008

“As a Christian,” Obama told George Stephanopolous today, “I have a lot of humility about understanding when does the soul enter into …” The dot, dot, dot — Obama’s, not ours — refers to either an embryo, a fetus, or a baby. Obama dodged the specifics, even as he sought to reassure abortion foes angered by […]

“As a Christian,” Obama told George Stephanopolous today, “I have a lot of humility about understanding when does the soul enter into …” The dot, dot, dot — Obama’s, not ours — refers to either an embryo, a fetus, or a baby. Obama dodged the specifics, even as he sought to reassure abortion foes angered by his comment at Rick Warren’s megachurch that answering such questions was above his pay grade. But asking them is what Stephanopolous gets paid for, and he blew it, twice: First by allowing Obama to be vague about the end of his own sentence, and then by failing to follow up on this: “I don’t presume to be able to answer these kinds of theological questions…[ellipses mine] abortion is a moral issue.” So who does he think does have that theological authority? Stephanopolous should have asked. Not because Obama — or any presidential candidate — should necessarily be sounding off on theology, but because Obama passed the buck. Ok, but to whom?

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