NYT vs. Jeremiah Wright, Pt. 2

Published on April 29, 2008

The NYT’s Bob Herbert (writing in the opinion pages, at least), joins the liberal elite’s outrage over Jeremiah Wright. Yes, I just said “liberal elite”; there is no other term with which to describe the big media Obama backers distressed by the fact that Wright would have the gall to defend himself from what they’ll […]

The NYT’s Bob Herbert (writing in the opinion pages, at least), joins the liberal elite’s outrage over Jeremiah Wright. Yes, I just said “liberal elite”; there is no other term with which to describe the big media Obama backers distressed by the fact that Wright would have the gall to defend himself from what they’ll admit was essentially a massive, national, racist smear job. How dare he! Obama’s trying to move us beyond race! But, as Herbert writes with indignation, “Rev. Wright is roaming the country with the press corps in tow, happily promoting the one issue Mr. Obama had tried to avoid: race.” No points for the press corps here, by the way. The only justification for the anger of Herbert and Stanley (below) is their recognition, from within the belly of the media beast, is that none of their colleagues give a damn about Wright’s words on race. No, they’re gathered round Wright, one eye on Obama, whispering like kids in a schoolyard: “fight, fight, fight!” If they were listening, they’d be hearing that “national debate about race,” the media always says it wants. But they can’t hear it, can’t see it; all they see is two African American man, and one of them is — shudders of indignation among the elite, of voyeuristic joy among the media’s working stiffs — angry and cracking wise.

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