"Life in Year One" Paperback Release

Published on February 14, 2011

Scott Korb on what life was like in first century Palestine. Life in Year One, now in paperback.

Scott Korb on what life was like in first century Palestine. Life in Year One, now in paperback.


A society both familiar and strange emerges from this absorbing historical study. … Korb’s vivid, breezy prose makes accessible a mountain of scholarship that illuminates the past. –Publishers Weekly

Food, homes, politics, medicine, crime, punishment, customs, and staying clean: it’s all here in this account of the biblical world from the coauthor of The Faith Between Us. Scholarly research but nonscholarly tone; many readers will like. –Barbara Hoffert, Library Journal

Expertly researched, beautifully distilled, and filled with wit, [LiYO] is an animated reminder that sometimes the things we think we know best — our myths, our faiths, our ancestors, even ourselves — contain the most remarkable surprises. –Jeff Sharlet, New York Times bestselling author of The Family

Life in Year One entertains as it educates, pulling back the veil on a world all the more alluring because it is impossible to know completely. … Scott Korb reminds us that a history of there and then is always also a story about here and now. –Peter Manseau, author of Vows, Rag and Bone, and Songs for the Butcher’s Daughter –This text refers to the Hardcover edition.

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