Kansas Ban

Published on April 4, 2005

Kansas is gearing up for its very own gay marriage ban with poster campaigns, neighborly division, a “Mayday for Marriage” rally and more than $135,000 in out-of-state money. The campaign supporting Kansas’ proposed ban — one of the strictest in the nation, preventing gays from receiving any of marriage’s “rights and incidents” — is being […]

Kansas is gearing up for its very own gay marriage ban with poster campaigns, neighborly division, a “Mayday for Marriage” rally and more than $135,000 in out-of-state money. The campaign supporting Kansas’ proposed ban — one of the strictest in the nation, preventing gays from receiving any of marriage’s “rights and incidents” — is being led by a coalition of Christian clergy and underwritten by Christian groups ranging from the New Haven Knights of Columbus, to D.C.’s Concerned Women for America and the Coalition of African-American Pastors from Tennessee.

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