Jews for Christians

Published on April 27, 2005

Religion & Society points to for a story on the new group, “Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation” (JAACD), which has formed “to combat anti-Christian prejudice in Hollywood, the news media, academia, politics and the courts,” and to generally support Christians as they are “‘the last remaining obstacle to the moral deconstruction of America.'” One might […]

Religion & Society points to for a story on the new group, “Jews Against Anti-Christian Defamation” (JAACD), which has formed “to combat anti-Christian prejudice in Hollywood, the news media, academia, politics and the courts,” and to generally support Christians as they are “‘the last remaining obstacle to the moral deconstruction of America.'” One might imagine that combatting “anti-Christian prejudice in Hollywood” might get a little sticky, seeing as the poster-movie for claims of said anti-Christian bias happened to offend a good many Jews, but JAACD President Don Feder (self-described as “to the right of” Ariel Sharon, Pat Buchanan and Atilla the Hun) explained the issue in broader terms: “‘The morality of Christianity is also the morality of Judaism. By maintaining their loyalty to the eternal values revealed at Sinai, Christians have become pariahs in the eyes of the establishment but heroes in our eyes.'” Far be it from us to poke fun at such a mutual admiration society, but Religion & Society also notes the response of Erin Scharff, Legislative Assistant at the Jewish Reform Movement’s Religious Action Center. Writes Scharff: “I was prepared to be angered; I was not prepared for the undercurrent of Islamaphobia I heard at the event. It was difficult for me to remain in the room when of the panelists suggested a parallel between Hitler, Haman and Islam. Another suggested that we ought to take anti-Christian attitudes more seriously than bigotry directed as Muslims because Christians had a long history of protecting Jews. What saddened me more, however, was limited definition of Christianity that the JAACD seemed interested in protecting against defamation…”

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