Jesus Christ, Supermodel

Published on February 4, 2005

Milan has banned a poster ad campaign put out by the French fashion company, Marithé and François Girbaud, featuring a group of women posing in a Last Supper tableau with a Davinci Code-inspired twist: one male model standing in as Mary Magdalene/John the Beloved Disciple. Milan’s advertising watchdog group ruled last month that the image, […]

Milan has banned a poster ad campaign put out by the French fashion company, Marithé and François Girbaud, featuring a group of women posing in a Last Supper tableau with a Davinci Code-inspired twist: one male model standing in as Mary Magdalene/John the Beloved Disciple. Milan’s advertising watchdog group ruled last month that the image, with its “high concentration of theological symbols” was too offensive to the population’s religious sensitivities.

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