In the News: It's grim, but at least there's a GIFSeptember 8, 2017A round-up of recent religion news.
Excerpt, Review (Excerpt) Holocaust Memory in the Digital AgeSeptember 8, 2017An excerpt from Holocaust Memory in the Digital Age by Jeffrey Shandler. With an introduction by the author.
Review P/partition: Urvashi Butalia's Volume of Essays in Lower CaseSeptember 8, 2017Shruti Devgan reviews Partition: The Long Shadow edited by Urvashi Butalia.
Review Excursions in Unbelief: Retrieving Religion’s “Antitype” in U.S. HistorySeptember 8, 2017Geoffrey Pollick reviews Village Atheists: How America’s Unbelievers Made Their Way in a Godly Nation by Leigh Eric Schmidt
The Patient Body: “A Different Kind of Life”: The Tragedy of Charlie GardSeptember 8, 2017“The Patient Body” is a monthly column by Ann Neumann about issues at the intersection of religion and medicine....
Feature Not Your MessiahSeptember 8, 2017Peter LucierPeter Lucier reflects on Veterans' priestly role in American civil religion.