Editor's Letter Editor’s Letter: Personal Reflections, Politics, and a PandemicMay 6, 2020Brett KrutzschOur Editor reflects on his break from reading the news and the personal stories that make up this issue.
Perspective Sacrificing Healthcare Workers: War Rhetoric and the Coronavirus PandemicMay 6, 2020Dale SpicerWhy do we expect healthcare workers to sacrifice themselves for the sake of the nation?
Perspective Seeing Through Stained Glass: Gay, Catholic, and ConflictedMay 6, 2020Mark Jason WilliamsHis father's funeral forced him to confront the Catholic community that once condemned him.
Feature Freeing Workers: Labor and Plague in the Islamic WorldMay 6, 2020Shireen HamzaDo histories of slavery during earlier epidemics teach us anything about "essential workers" today?
Perspective The Trump Era’s Tribalism Discourse: Reflections on a "Weird Euphemism"May 6, 2020Charles McCraryWhy are politicians and pundits describing the current political climate as one marked by "tribalism"?
Review Book Review of In Jerusalem: Three Generations of an Israeli Family and a Palestinian FamilyMay 6, 2020Rebecca AlpertA personal reflection on the conflict in Israel/Palestine and a review of Lis Harris's book.
Excerpt The Rise and Fall of the Religious Left: Politics, Television, and Popular Culture in the 1970s and BeyondMay 6, 2020L. Benjamin RolskyA book excerpt with an introduction by the author.
Conversation Epidemic Empire: A Conversation with Anjuli Raza KolbMay 6, 2020Kali Handelman, Anjuli Raza KolbContributing Editor Kali Handelman interviews Anjuli Raza Kolb about her upcoming book Epidemic Empire and its connections to today.
Podcast The Revealer Podcast Episode 2: Yoga and Emotional WellbeingMay 6, 2020Editorial StaffStressed? Anxious? Listen to our podcast to learn how yoga can help!