Review Review: Bodies of SongJune 6, 2016Patton Burchett reviews Bodies of Song: Kabir Oral Traditions and Performative Worlds in North India by Linda Hess.
The Medium of Reformation Messages: Celebrating Luther's Legacy, Part IIJune 6, 2016Becky Garrison reports on events in Germany commemorating the 500 year anniversary of the Reformation.
Feature Problems with The Problem with Islam: Approaching Religious Violence, Part IIJune 6, 2016Part two of a three-part series on religious violence by Suzanne Schneider. This month: Nothing is inherent.
The Patient Body: Phyllis Schlafly’s UrologyJune 6, 2016“The Patient Body” is a monthly column by Ann Neumann about issues at the intersection of religion and medicine....
Excerpt, Review Excerpt: Classifying Christians by Todd S. BerzonJune 6, 2016An excerpt from Classifying Christians: Ethnography, Heresiology, and the Limits of Knowledge in Late Antiquity by Todd S. Berzon.
In the News: Pulse, Pulpits, and PodiumsJune 23, 2016A round-up of recent religion news. Continue Reading →
Feature Trumpophasis: On What Cannot Be SaidJune 23, 2016Patrick Blanchfield on what Donald Trump says when he says he isn't saying what he's saying.