If You've Lost Noonan...

Published on April 5, 2010

05 April 2010 There’s not much unpredictability to be found in Peggy Noonan’s columns for the Wall Street Journal. A former speechwriter for Reagan, regular conservative TV talking head, and author of the “admiring” book John Paul the Great, Noonan’s a reliable foil for all things “non-traditional.” Which makes her Good Friday column, a condemnation of the […]

05 April 2010

There’s not much unpredictability to be found in Peggy Noonan’s columns for the Wall Street Journal. A former speechwriter for Reagan, regular conservative TV talking head, and author of the “admiring” book John Paul the Great, Noonan’s a reliable foil for all things “non-traditional.” Which makes her Good Friday column, a condemnation of the Church and of journalists who took too long to cover the recent pedophilia charges, a shocker. Church supporters have called the media’s criticism of their cover-ups church-bashing; akin to anti-Semitism, said the papal preacher. And on Good Friday, a day of historical strife between Catholics and Jews. Noonan’s column should serve as a canary-in-the-coal-mine warning to the Vatican’s U.S. publicists – and to the mum Pope: claiming persecution doesn’t work when the legitimate victims are hundreds of children.

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