GQ Creation

Published on February 15, 2005

Kate Hawley: In the current issue of GQ, John Jeremiah Sullivan attends Creation, the nation’s largest Christian rock festival, where he finds abundant good vibes (no fights, no harassment, lots of kind people) as well as a few more questionable moments: Stephen Baldwin telling a crowd of 100,000 teenagers that 9/11 was “the wrath of God,” and […]

Kate Hawley: In the current issue of GQJohn Jeremiah Sullivan attends Creation, the nation’s largest Christian rock festival, where he finds abundant good vibes (no fights, no harassment, lots of kind people) as well as a few more questionable moments: Stephen Baldwin telling a crowd of 100,000 teenagers that 9/11 was “the wrath of God,” and that they should for “the man who has the greatest faith.” (Whereupon, Sullivan reports, “The crowd lost it.”) But Sullivan leaves any judgment about these moments to the reader, for the most part reporting on Creation’s more extreme elements in a tone of bemused irritation. But if he doesn’t exactly love the belief — he remains conflicted about his own involvement in evangelical Christianity in high school — he comes to love the believers, and his description of the friendship he formed with five young men at the concert forms the spine of the story. “I’d assumed that my days at Creation would be fairly lonely and end with my ritual murder,” he writes. “But these West Virginia guys had such warmth.” The piece is funny, beautifully written and has a real spiritual ache.

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