Good Cop, Bad Cop

Published on March 12, 2012

Mary Valle:  Fr. Marcel Guarnizo, the priest who denied Barbara Johnson (also known as the "lesbian Barbara Johnson") communion at her mother's funeral, has been put on administrative leave for having "engaged in intimidating behavior toward parish staff and others that is incompatible with proper priestly ministry."

Mary Valle:  Fr. Marcel Guarnizo, the priest who denied Barbara Johnson (also known as the “lesbian Barbara Johnson”) communion at her mother’s funeral, has been put on administrative leave for having “engaged in intimidating behavior toward parish staff and others that is incompatible with proper priestly ministry.”

Fr. Marcel Guarnizo

Said move has been interpreted by some as a swipe at clerical overreach. Whatever the trajectory of poor Fr. Guarnizo–who, based on this photo, may wish to pursue an acting career playing evil-seeming Holy See bureaucrats who turn out to actually be on the side of good (Good, that is) — may all players in this traumatic scene find the peace they deserve, including Ms. Johnson’s mother, who was surely not pleased to see the goings-on at her funeral from heaven. It seems obvious, but, at a funeral, perhaps the deceased should be kept in mind?

However, this just came in from Rome wire, today, via the Pope’s Twitter feed.

@Pope2YouVatican BXVI: The Church’s tradition has included “admonishing sinners” among the spiritual works of mercy. #Lent

Fr. Guarnizo, Rome may have a desk for you yet!

Editor’s Note:  For more on Fr. Guarnizo’s behavior read here, here and, for the hell of it, here.

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