Godcast Power Hours

Published on March 10, 2005

God-blogging is so old-new media. The next biggish thing is Godcasting, in which sermons are recorded and uploaded onto the internet to be downloaded onto iPods and the like. MP3 Bibles have been available for a while, but according to the Religion News Service, there’s now more pod preaching (including Christians, Buddhists and Pagans) than […]

God-blogging is so old-new media. The next biggish thing is Godcasting, in which sermons are recorded and uploaded onto the internet to be downloaded onto iPods and the like. MP3 Bibles have been available for a while, but according to the Religion News Service, there’s now more pod preaching (including Christians, Buddhists and Pagans) than pod “jazz, theater and movie reviews.” While it’s unsurprising that God’s still more popular than Bitches Brew — sermons were among the first American radio broadcasts as well — Godcasting may end up being podcast’s first major success. An entirely incomplete sampling: The GodCast Network (Christian), Christian Podcasting.com, The Catholic Insider, Teachings for the New Age, The Pagan Power Hour (and other Pagan podcasts found by The Wildhunt Blog).

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