Go Ask Sarah

Published on September 10, 2008

ABC reports that two of the books Palin’s church allies in Wasilla may have singled out for censorship are Go Ask Alice, by Anonymous, and Pastor, I Am Gay, by a Wasilla area pastor named Howard Bess who describes himself as conservative. Go Ask Alice is well-known, a classic of campy anti-drug literature for teens […]

ABC reports that two of the books Palin’s church allies in Wasilla may have singled out for censorship are Go Ask Alice, by Anonymous, and Pastor, I Am Gay, by a Wasilla area pastor named Howard Bess who describes himself as conservative. Go Ask Alice is well-known, a classic of campy anti-drug literature for teens believed to have been authored by a Mormon youth counselor named Beatrice Sparks. Plenty of sex and drugs, but not exactly liberal; and Sparks’ next book, Jay’s Journal, is the story of a boy who commits suicide after getting involved with the occult, a warning that may have been better received by members of Wasilla Assembly of God. Pastor, I Am Gay is another matter — ABC interviews author Bess, but apparently nobody looked at the book. Librarians Against Palin reports that Bess says he donated two copies to the Wasilla library; they were stolen; and he donated more. What’s the story of this book? (Here’s a short review on a Christian website.) Why didn’t ABC have someone read the books in question? At the very least, there’s a new question of censoriousness that arises. It’s bad enough to censor any book; even worse when the author is your neighbor.

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