Give Us This Day Our Load of Links

Published on September 20, 2011

Some of the best reads from the past week, right here, still hot.

Some of the best justice news all month:  The Center for Constitutional Rights and Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) have filed a complaint before the International Criminal Court asking that the Vatican be investigated for crimes against humanity.  Read more here.

Can you get what you want by asking for it?  A Formal Funeral for the Two-State Solution.

Corinthian Plan: The Mennonite Church’s do-it-yourself health insurance plan

Planting evangelical churches in NYC?  “…moments of pain and loneliness, but also moments that offer great freedom.”

Restless Leg Syndrome!  While everybody rolls their eyes at Pat Robertson’s Alzheimer’s moment, James Davis at the Sun Sentinel finds that other pastors (with a less direct line to the rubber-necking media) worry about Robertson’s slippery slope.

“I’m not religious, I just love the Lord.”  Diana Butler Bass digs into the SBNR (spiritual but not religious) controversy sparked by a recent Christian Century article (by her friend Rev. Lillian Daniel).

Have you read Religion News Service’s quotes of the day lately?

Jay Rosen applies his theory of “he said, she said” journalism to an NPR report on Kansas abortion clinic licensing.  NPR’s Ombudsman responds.

Read an excerpt from Omri Elisha’s new book, Moral Ambition: Mobilization and Social Outreach in Evangelical Megachurches at Religion in American History, posted and introduced by Kelly Baker.  Elisha, a professor at Queens College, will be reading from his book for us on October 19th, with a response by Elizabeth Castelli, (Barnard).  See here for more details.

Speaking of Elizabeth Castelli: read her recent post at, “On Commemoration,” about 9/11.

Candace Chellew-Hodge on North Carolina’s decision to vote next May on a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage.

Listen to Hamilton College’s “Religion and Media” course, taught by Professor (and The Revealer contributor) S. Brent Plate, moderate a radio show on WHCL 88.7 FM each Tuesday evening at 7 pm.  For more information, go to or read the blog.  (They’re talking about the Amish tonight, my favorite!)

Indonesia’s Ahmadiyah and other religious minorities are experiencing an increase in hate crimes.

The kids at Videogum get their death penalty comments on.  Thanks, Rick Perry, for making it national conversation again! (h/t Genevieve Yue)

Hey Motorola, HP and Caterpillar: The Presbyterians are coming for you!

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