Gay Cartoons

Published on February 21, 2005

After the dismissal of the “Philadelphia Four” case, America gets back to discussing questions of marriage and gay rights as America best knows how: with animated stand-ins duking the issue out for us. The latest cartoon exploration of same-sex marriage came last night on The Simpsons, with Patti Bouvier almost marrying gay (her would-be partner […]

After the dismissal of the “Philadelphia Four” case, America gets back to discussing questions of marriage and gay rights as America best knows how: with animated stand-ins duking the issue out for us. The latest cartoon exploration of same-sex marriage came last night on The Simpsons, with Patti Bouvier almost marrying gay (her would-be partner revealed as a male golfer in drag); Homer performing same-sex unions in his garage to boost tourism; and Marge delivering a feel-good moral by accepting that her sister’s sexuality doesn’t make her any “‘less of a being.'” According to TV Tome, it was the most controversial Simpsons ever and predictably, the episode was received as both an appropriate reprimand to the religious right to “lighten up” (Air America) and a deliberate attack on the public consensus (Parents Television Council).

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