Field Notes

Margaret Mead. Field notebook with projective testing materials, Manus, Admiralty Islands, 1929. Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (99)

Field Notes is an ongoing forum where scholars and journalists can share new work as they do it. We invite anthropologists, sociologists, and textualists (literary and historical), reporters, and photographers to introduce new work in new ways. We want to see notes from your field work sites; a manuscript you discovered deep in the archive; a conversation with a research subject; a methodology question that you want to work through in writing; a side-note that won’t fit in the book but is too good not to share; a piece of the article you loved but your editor nixed; a review of a movie you went to see for a break from work but you realized was related, and more! Consider this a way to process your work while it’s in process. Field Notes will also be a chance to cultivate public writing skills and portfolios. We think that giving scholars an opportunity to share their work in this way will deepen and expand both the research and its reception and hereby invite you to send us your pitches.Tell us a bit about your work and how you might like to share Field Notes from it by emailing us here:

You can read our published Field Notes  here.

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