Fantastic Elastic Fundamentalism

Published on May 30, 2008

Sharlet: Veteran Christian Right-watcher Frederick Clarkson reviews The Family for The Public Eye, the publication of Political Research Associates, a public think tank. I consider Clarkson a friend via internet, so it’s fair to say the review is biased in the book’s favor. Even so, I’m grateful for the thoroughness with which Clarkson responds to […]

Sharlet: Veteran Christian Right-watcher Frederick Clarkson reviews The Family for The Public Eye, the publication of Political Research Associates, a public think tank. I consider Clarkson a friend via internet, so it’s fair to say the review is biased in the book’s favor. Even so, I’m grateful for the thoroughness with which Clarkson responds to my account of what he describes as “The Family’s highly elastic fundamentalist theology.” “Elastic” is not usually a word joined with fundamentalist, but I think Clarkson nails it — Family-style fundamentalism stretches as far as the political ambitions of its devotees.

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