Everybody Plays the Fool

Published on April 26, 2005

Could it be, Hillary Clinton, not meaning what she said? Attempting to crassly manipulate voters with lukewarm appeals to both sides of an issue in the hopes she won’t be held to promises made to either one? We’ve been cheated on by Hillary too, so we’re almost sympathetic to the wounded cries of the freshly-dumped […]

Could it be, Hillary Clinton, not meaning what she said? Attempting to crassly manipulate voters with lukewarm appeals to both sides of an issue in the hopes she won’t be held to promises made to either one? We’ve been cheated on by Hillary too, so we’re almost sympathetic to the wounded cries of the freshly-dumped Christian Defense Coalition, but our pity — and CDC’s pain — is tempered by the mileage the conservative Christian group hopes to get out of the breakup, starting with a D.C. press-conference scheduled for today at noon. CDC director, Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, has issued a press release charging that his organization and other pro-life groups were “snubbed” by Clinton for two months as they attempted to set up meetings with senator following her January speech calling for dialogue and common ground between pro-choicers and pro-lifers. Mahoney said the CDC was “‘profoundly disappointed'” that Clinton’s comments now appeared to be “‘politically motivated and not sincere,'” and that voters should pay attention to Clinton’s actions rather than her words as the presidential campaign season begins. What can we say, Pat? We’d offer you a glass and a chair, but maybe we should wait to see how Hillary responds. These first break-ups never last.

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