Editor's Welcome Letter

Published on October 10, 2019

The Revealer's new Editor writes about the current issue, the Revealer's history, and its exciting future.


Dear Revealer readers,

Welcome to the new issue of the Revealer and my first as Editor! I step into this role following three venerable predecessors. The Revealer began in 2003 at NYU’s Center for Religion and Media. The founding Editor, Jeff Sharlet, stayed with the publication five years and went on to become a bestselling author. His book, The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power, is now the focus of a Netflix documentary series. The Revealer’s second Editor, Ann Neumann, also became a successful writer whose book, The Good Death: An Exploration of Dying in America, achieved widespread critical praise. And, Kali Handelman, who served as the magazine’s Editor from 2013-2019, has established herself as a sought-after editor and writing coach. She is staying with the Revealer as a Contributing Editor.

Revealer Editor, Brett Krutzsch

I come to the Revealer as an expert on religion and LGBTQ politics. My first book, Dying to Be Normal: Gay Martyrs and the Transformation of American Sexual Politics, came out earlier this year from Oxford University Press. While my writing focuses on LGBTQ issues, the Revealer will continue its broad focus on religion throughout the world.

You can count on the same high-quality writing about religion you’ve come to expect from the Revealer. Our writers are a mix of scholars, journalists, and freelancers who have unique and illuminating things to say about religion. This issue is no exception. In it, Liane Carlson reflects on current debates about the climate crisis and what it means to live with a sense of doom. Susan Shapiro writes about her journey toward forgiveness by meeting a man who forgave the drunk driver who killed his wife and two children. Ryan Woods explores the complicated history of translating the Qu’ran into European languages, which promoted anti-Islamic attitudes. Stephanie Brehm shares an excerpt from her book about Stephen Colbert’s Catholicism and how he has influenced American Catholic practices. And photojournalist Pete Kiehart offers images and stories from his time observing cemetery rituals in the Eastern European country of Georgia.

We have great things planned for the Revealer. I am especially excited about the magazine’s first themed special issue in March 2020: “Religion and Sex Abuse: Within and Beyond the Catholic Church.” Look for more innovations in the coming months.

In a world of fast-paced headlines and quick hot-takes, the Revealer offers monthly nuanced perspectives and a broader picture of religion’s place in the world and people’s lives. Whether you are new to the Revealer or a consistent reader for several years, welcome. I’m glad you’re here.

Brett Krutzsch, Ph.D.

Issue: October 2019
Category: Editor's Letter

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