Daily News: Egypt's Secular Left, Ahmedi Expulsion

Published on July 30, 2013

Daily round-up of religion in the news.


Image via The Express Tribune

Image via The Express Tribune

Rana Tanveer at Pakistan’s Express Tribune, reports on the expulsion of Ahmedis from their place of worship in Gujrat.

“… antebellum northeastern America was spiritually itchy”  Stefany Ann Golberg looks into the question “What was behind the sudden boom of apparitions in late 19th century America?” at The Smart Set

The Malaysian Consultative Council of Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism and Taoism (MCCBHST) has warned against any amendment to Malaysia’s constitution that permits the conversion of children to Islam without their consent, or without the consent of both parents. (The Malaysian Insider)

And Mahmood Mamdani on the Secular Left in Egypt (Al Jazeera)


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