Daily Links October 24 2004

Published on October 24, 2004

Better ‘n Hot Yoga Hey — ya like yoga? Great. Then you’ll love Killing the Buddha: A Heretic’s Bible, co-authored by me, Revealer ed. Jeff Sharlet. Sez Yoga Journal, that smart, glossy magazine known for always telling the truth and always being right: “Audacious, flinty, yet somehow compassionate at heart, reporting (mostly) nonjudgmentally on beliefs that sometimes strain an […]

Better ‘n Hot Yoga

Hey — ya like yoga? Great. Then you’ll love Killing the Buddha: A Heretic’s Bible, co-authored by me, Revealer ed. Jeff Sharlet. Sez Yoga Journal, that smart, glossy magazine known for always telling the truth and always being right: “Audacious, flinty, yet somehow compassionate at heart, reporting (mostly) nonjudgmentally on beliefs that sometimes strain an observer’s credulity, Killing the Buddha looks fearlessly into the American soul, a feat that likely will not be matched by many other pundits anytime soon.” That’s means it’s better than a hot yoga headstand.

Jack Chick, Revealed!

At last, one of the great mysteries of American Christendom is solved, sort of: You know those little rectangular comic books with wacko, paranoid, fundamentalist stories you sometimes come across? The ones that rail against the pope, the devil, and Islam with lurid tales of ordinary joes who make the wrong choices? They’re the work of one man, Jack Chick, and he’s distributed a half a billion of ’em. But despite being one of the most widely-read writers in the world, almost nobody knows what he looks like, or what he really thinks — until now! Jimmy Akin, a Catholic evangelist-cowboy, attended the world premier of a Jack Chick movie earlier this year, and reports on his own slightly wacky site, Defensor Fidei! Or as the evil pope would say in a Chick pamphlet: “Haw! Haw! Haw!”

Just Now: Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet live on Wisconsin Public Radio’s “Here on Earth, with Jean Feraca,” discussing the campaign and religion. Tune in in Wisconsin, or on your computer,here. Lots of great questions from callers. They grow ’em smart and skeptical in Wisconsin.

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