Daily Links: Guns, Gays, and Diabetes

Published on May 3, 2013


The Obama administration, a stalwart champion of women’s rights issued an appeal Wednesday that would overturn a New York district judge’s ruling that granted over-the-counter access to the morning-after pill for women of all ages. In a move that highlights his true political moderateness, Obama, in his I-am-the-father-of-two-young-daughters rhetoric, has claimed he deems that “most parents would probably feel the same way.”

The appeal comes days after the FDA lowered the age restriction for EC from age 17 to age 15. What’s the difference between a girl age 15 and a girl age 14 and 11 months? Evidently, as FDA commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg tells us, the answer is not an arbitrary one. Hamburg asserts that scientific data has shown that 15 year old girls “were able to understand how Plan B One-Step works, how to use it properly, and that it does not prevent the transmission of a sexually transmitted disease.”

Catholics for Choice, responding to the use of medicalized discourse, reminds us that EC has been proven to be safer than aspirin.

Have you ever thought about which religion is most generous to the homeless? This homeless man has. Is that a 100-dollar bill I see in the agnostic bowl?? Christians, we suggest you freshen up on the “Good Samaritan” parable!

In response to NBA player Jason Collins’s announcement that he is gay, ESPN basketball reporter Chris Broussard issued the following televised statement:

“I’m a Christian. I don’t agree with homosexuality. I think it’s a sin, as I think all sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman is.” Though NY Magazine deleted their online column titled “Coming Out, Cashing In,” CNN reminds us that Collins’s decision to come out as the first openly gay athlete of a major U.S. sport could be a lucrative one. If only “coming-out” for everyone involved rolling in the dough! Unfortunately enough, homosexuality bears an uncanny resemblance to diabetes.

In other news, Glenn Beck has successfully crossed racial boundaries and galvanized African-American support for the NRA by attributing MLK Jr.’s death to “the worst kind of gun control.” Alas! Anti-gun control sentiment is not just for old white dudes who enjoy going to the shooting range!

— Chris Smith

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