Cosmic Therapist

Published on February 24, 2005

A new survey released by the National Study of Youth and Religion (led by UNC sociologist Christian Smith) finds that a majority of American teens believe in God, stick to their parents’ faith, and attend worship services on at least a semi-regular basis. Follow-up interviews, however, found that the teens’ understanding of religion was so […]

A new survey released by the National Study of Youth and Religion (led by UNC sociologist Christian Smith) finds that a majority of American teens believe in God, stick to their parents’ faith, and attend worship services on at least a semi-regular basis. Follow-up interviews, however, found that the teens’ understanding of religion was so “‘meager, nebulous and often fallacious,'” that the teens are “virtually following a different creed” than that of their stated religious traditions, and seem to see God as an undemanding problem-solver, part “Divine Butler,” part “Cosmic Therapist.”

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