Coming Attractions

Published on September 9, 2008

We've got head hunters, big dams, holy Wal-Mart, and all kinds of Jesus, available to YOU, this fall, absolutely free but for subway fare to the greatest show on earth, "Culture, Religion, and the Politics of Change" division. We're talking about the fall schedule of the NYU Center for Religion and Media, publisher of The Revealer, of course...

We’ve got head hunters, big dams, holy Wal-Mart, and all kinds of Jesus, available to YOU, this fall, absolutely free but for subway fare to the greatest show on earth, “Culture, Religion, and the Politics of Change” division. We’re talking about the fall schedule of the NYU Center for Religion and Media, publisher of The Revealer, of course. Of possible special interest for cultural critics and journalists on the God beat are: Thursday, 9/11, “Zero Degrees of Separation” — screening with the filmmaker of this award winning documentary that examines the Palestinian/Israeli conflict through the eyes of mixed Palestinian/Israeli queer couples. Friday, 9/26, “Cultural Conversions: Religion, Gender, and Latino/a America,” a day-long conference with a terrific line-up of scholars; Fri-Sat, 10/17-18, “Reel China: 4th Documentary Biennial”; Friday, 10/24, “The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power” — The Revealer‘s Jeff Sharlet in conversation with Heather Hendershot, author of Shaking the World for Jesus; Thursday, 10/30, “What Would Jesus Do Now?: Evangelicals, the Iraq War, and the Struggle for Position,” with Melani McCalister; Friday, 11/14, “In the Land of the Head Hunters” — a newly discovered and restored copy of Edward S. Curtis’s 1914 landmark film. And there’s much more, of course — check out the full schedule for details.

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