Business-Friendly Creation Care

Published on March 10, 2005

The New York Times’ Laurie Goodstein investigates the environmental agenda of the National Association of Evangelicals and finds that, for all the NAE’s Creation-Caring, an evangelical-Earth First marriage still isn’t likely. The Rev. Rich Cizik, NAE vice president of governmental affairs, said that evangelicals are suspicious of environmentalists’ support for government regulations and new-age earth […]

The New York Times’ Laurie Goodstein investigates the environmental agenda of the National Association of Evangelicals and finds that, for all the NAE’s Creation-Caring, an evangelical-Earth First marriage still isn’t likely. The Rev. Rich Cizik, NAE vice president of governmental affairs, said that evangelicals are suspicious of environmentalists’ support for government regulations and new-age earth love; and Goodstein notes that, though 100 evangelical leaders signed onto the NAE’s guidelines — which included the “creation care” plank — a more specific list of environmental demands would not necessarily carry as much support. But that’s not to keep environmentalists from hoping that they’re about to get some friends in high places, or the scuba-diving, “pro-business environmentalist” and NAE president, Ted Haggard, from reminding everyone once again that “‘We do represent 30 million people, and we can mobilize them if we have to.'”

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