Breaking Fast.

Published on April 5, 2010

05 April 2010 Ann Neumann: While you were fasting: Christopher Cocca contemplates Lenten doubt atKilling the Buddha; Mary Hunt at Religion Dispatches tells the Catholic Church where to go from here; Rachel Maddow examines God, guns and the 40% of Americans who believe in the end times (via God Discussion); Frederick Clarkson at Talk to Action reports on […]

05 April 2010

Ann Neumann: While you were fasting: Christopher Cocca contemplates Lenten doubt atKilling the Buddha; Mary Hunt at Religion Dispatches tells the Catholic Church where to go from here; Rachel Maddow examines God, guns and the 40% of Americans who believe in the end times (via God Discussion); Frederick Clarkson at Talk to Action reports on the annual Blog Against Theocracy; and former Revealer managing editor Kathryn Joyce looks at architect Jonathan Block Friedman’s re-imagining of the synagogue.

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