Blog Loves You, John Hagee!

Published on March 6, 2008

Sarah Posner dedicates her “FundamentaList” at The American Prospect this week to the John Hagee / John McCain scandal. If you’re reading The Revealer, you likely know about this already — it’s the kind of news that people who get their news online know all about. The rest of America, meanwhile, could care less. Not […]

Sarah Posner dedicates her “FundamentaList” at The American Prospect this week to the John Hagee / John McCain scandal. If you’re reading The Revealer, you likely know about this already — it’s the kind of news that people who get their news online know all about. The rest of America, meanwhile, could care less. Not because it’s not important, but because it’s a story that depends on a time frame bloggy people embrace, one in which “news” is as multi-layered as a Google search. On the face of it, Hagee’s endorsement of McCain represents nothing more than the GOP’s religious right consolidating around the nominee. But as activist blogger Bruce Wilson reveals in this post and many others, Hagee is one of the truly creepy characters of American religion, anti-Semitic, anti-Catholic, war-hungry, obscenely wealthy, and — unreported elsewhere — sexually arrogant, to judge by his disturbingly prurient tome, What Every Man Wants in a Woman.

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