Blackwell for Lord High Priest of Ohio

Published on May 3, 2006

The press is paying attention to last night’s Ohio gubenatorial GOP primary win of Ken Blackwell. If Blackwell wins in November — and he looks like he might — he’ll be Ohio’s first black governor. He’ll also be perhaps the most openly theocratic govenor since John Winthrop ruled the Massachusetts Bay Colony as the right […]

The press is paying attention to last night’s Ohio gubenatorial GOP primary win of Ken Blackwell. If Blackwell wins in November — and he looks like he might — he’ll be Ohio’s first black governor. He’ll also be perhaps the most openly theocratic govenor since John Winthrop ruled the Massachusetts Bay Colony as the right hand of God. So the press is paying attention — Blackwell, widely credited with putting Ohio in Bush’s column in ’04, is also considered potential VP material. But aside from the good work of some Ohio local media, only PBS’s “Now” does serious journalism. Their report on Blackwell’s possibly illegal relationship with two major Ohio megachurches is just straight-up TV reporting — which, compared to a national press which still considers religion mostly a private matter — is extraordinary. Watch it and take notes — this race matters.

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