Because It Just Doesn't Fit With British Reserve

Published on March 22, 2005

As abortion politics comes of age in England — that is, becomes a touchstone for outraged single-issue voters, and a quick n’ easy way for candidates to align themselves with the side of Family and Morality — Tony Blair has weighed in, counseling against any emulation of American-style religion politics, where politicians go about “‘beating […]

As abortion politics comes of age in England — that is, becomes a touchstone for outraged single-issue voters, and a quick n’ easy way for candidates to align themselves with the side of Family and Morality — Tony Blair has weighed in, counseling against any emulation of American-style religion politics, where politicians go about “‘beating their chests about our faith.'” Blair spoke to the Christian group, Faithworks Movement, which apparently hopes to make “faith” this year’s election issue, after calls from both Anglican Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, and Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster, Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, that abortion should be an election issue.

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