Baby Talk

Published on February 25, 2008

TUESDAY: Revealer Kathryn Joyce will be talking on her forthcoming book, Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement, and two excerpts published in The Nation, “Arrows for the War” (on the Quiverfull movement, which pushes women to bear a “quiverfull” of fundamentalist babies for culture war) and “Missing: The Right Babies” (on “demographic winter” — the […]

TUESDAY: Revealer Kathryn Joyce will be talking on her forthcoming book, Quiverfull: Inside the Christian Patriarchy Movement, and two excerpts published in The Nation, “Arrows for the War” (on the Quiverfull movement, which pushes women to bear a “quiverfull” of fundamentalist babies for culture war) and “Missing: The Right Babies” (on “demographic winter” — the Christian conservative fear that Christians aren’t having enough babies), @ Think Coffee
248 Mercer St (btwn 3rd and 4th st) in New York, 7-9 pm. Joining Kathryn will be of Cristina Page, author of How the Pro-Choice Movement Saved America: Freedom, Politics and the War on Sex.

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