KKK Crashes Equality Party

February 9, 2005
A Kentucky mother, Lisa Whiteside, has withdrawn her son from a local high school after protests over the allegedly...

Boy Jesus

February 9, 2005
At the behest of an Italian TV station, forensic scientists created a picture of Jesus from the Shroud of...

Symbol of God

February 9, 2005
The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican’s doctrinal agency in charge of defending the Church from...

Islamic Fundraiser Deported

February 9, 2005
Abdel-Jabbar Hamdan, a Palestinian-born fund-raiser for an Islamic charity allegedly tied to Hamas and the founder of an Anaheim...

Dignity of Marriage

February 9, 2005
The Vatican has issued a 111-page guide, titled “Dignity of Marriage,” revising the procedure of annulments so that they...

He Paints His Face at Night...

February 8, 2005
Former Christian Coalition leader, Republican Wunderkind and self-proclaimed guerilla warrior, Ralph Reed, has taken preliminary steps towards a candidacy...

A Compassionate Budget

February 8, 2005
While President Bush’s proposed budget is making headlines for its hidden surprises and its suggested cuts to more than...

The 30-Year Scare

February 8, 2005
Retired journalist Lee Ellis knows Easter’s coming when his email inbox fills up with pleas to protest an atheist...

Motorhead Duck Song

February 7, 2005
Michael J. Behe, a senior fellow with the Discovery Institute, pleads the case of Intelligent Design in The New...

"A Return to Modesty"

February 7, 2005
In Peshawar the youth wing of the political party, Jamaat-i-Islami, has threatened the local government to remove advertising billboards...

Shiva Classic Thong

February 7, 2005
If it offends religious groups to put their sacred symbols on the insoles of shoes, try try again, and...

Jesus Christ, Supermodel

February 4, 2005
Milan has banned a poster ad campaign put out by the French fashion company, Marithé and François Girbaud, featuring...

Holy TennCare

February 2, 2005
Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen met with more than 350 clergy members Tuesday to ask them to search for “‘obligations...

Gay Marriage in Canada

February 2, 2005
The Liberal minority of the Canadian government has filed a bill in the House of Commons to legalize gay...

"Funding the Culture Wars"

February 2, 2005
The National Committ for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP), a self-described watchdog group that promotes “public accountability” from foundations, grant-givers and...

The Ascendancy of Ned Flanders

February 2, 2005
The writers of The Simpsons know how to gauge the cultural climate. And so they’ve revamped the role of...

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