Which Side Are You On?

March 27, 2004
Fred Barnes, executive editor of The Weekly Standard, leaves little room for doubt in hispaean to an Iraqi Christian pastor on The...

Retire the "Culture War"

March 26, 2004
Historian Julia Rabig writes in to decode one of journalism’s most abused catchphrases, “culture war”: Just two examples: Lyle Denniston of The Boston Globe informs...

Religion is So Last Week

March 26, 2004
If there’s a pun in The New York Observer‘s hed, “Let’s Holla for Kaballah,” we’re missing it. But that’s the...

Belief Beat

March 25, 2004
The Revealer will be speaking at a conference, “The Belief Beat: Religion & Journalism,”at Yale Divinity School tonight. Preparations must be...

Shallow Wisdom

March 24, 2004
The New York Times seems have divided up religion on its op-ed page Crossfire-style. From the left, Nicholas Kristof. From the right, David...

Mazl Blog!

March 23, 2004
Scholars, wonks, and rebbeles; mameles and makhers-in-their-own-minds; such are the denizens of… well, it’s hard to say what they’re...


March 23, 2004
First, apologies — Jewschool informs us that there is a name for the Jewish blogosphere — jBlog. Second — jBlog, how...


March 23, 2004
Jimmy Carter is, as ever, diplomatic in his denunciation of the White House’s current religion. In The American Prospect, he tells Ayelish...

Just Presupposing...

March 23, 2004
San Francisco Chronicle religion writer Don Lattin weighs in on disgraced USA Today journo Jack Kelley: “Kelley — who resigned earlier this year amid allegations that...

Home School Fight Songs

March 22, 2004
“Conservative Christian homeschoolers are big on critical thinking,” says one such, “so they wouldn’t be led by the nose.”...

Christ of the Coup

March 22, 2004
The Revealer‘s associate editor, Kathryn Joyce, gives The Wall Street Journal’s op-ed page poor grades in theology and history: “…The Christ of...

Don't Mess With Religion Reporters

March 22, 2004
A bit after the fact but better-considered: The great Gary Wills weighs in on The Passion in The New York Review of Books. Regular...

Swedenborgian Street Soldier

March 22, 2004
The Catholic Church isn’t the only institution gripped by scandal — the Swedenborgians have been having a hot time of it...

Human Weapon

March 19, 2004
“I break so many taboos when I become a suicide bomber…. I think this nihilism is very new. It’s...

Who Wrote What, When

March 18, 2004
At Eichler’s bookstore in Flatbush (that’s in Brooklyn, folks), Marc Shapiro‘s new book has been flying off the shelves; at...

God's Horse

March 17, 2004
God has spoken: “George Bush is going to win in a walk,” says the Lord (via mouthpiece Pat Robertson), “… it...

Oy vey, St. Blog!

March 17, 2004
St. Blog’s Parish, the Catholic blogosphere that’s rapidly displacing the Catholic print press, is something of a moveable feast....

Unitarians On Trial

March 16, 2004
Two Unitarian ministers in upstate New York have become the first clergy members to face criminal charges for performing...

Spiritual Ammunition

March 16, 2004
Last year, four days before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, the International Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention issued a...

The God Beat

March 16, 2004
We almost called The Revealer “God Beat,” and thank God we didn’t — the more time we’ve spent studying religion in...

Random Voices

March 16, 2004
Brian Flemming is the man behind Bat Boy: The Musical, and his blog is everything you’d expect from a man with...

St. Blog's Parish

March 16, 2004
Librarian Rachelle Linner explores the Roman Catholic blogosphere — “St. Blog’s Parish,” as it’s known — and finds it wanting. “The clearest...

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