Bloomsday Special: WWJJD?

June 16, 2004
–That was a good answer our friend made to the canon. What? said Mr. Dedalus. –I didn’t think he...

The Catholic Divide?

June 15, 2004
Culture warriors try again with the “Catholic Divide.” By Kathryn Joyce This week, The New York Times’s John Tierney dispensed a reassuring...

10 June 2004 Daily Links

June 10, 2004
8:44 pm: One of the bloggers at Not Perfection puts the events of the week in perspective. “I feel bad about Ronald...

08 June 2004 Daily Links

June 8, 2004
8:19 pm: From the leader of a land just like America, but with even more beer: “Let me say that...

03 June 2004 Daily Links

June 3, 2004
3:30 pm: And the most Catholic senator of them all is… John Kerry! So says a new “study” by Sen....

How to See Evil

May 6, 2004
Why do so many Americans believe that Saddam supported Al Qaeda when even the White House denies it? The...

Is Kerry Catholic?

April 13, 2004
Melinda Henneberger launches a new column on “culture war” in Newsweek, “Varia,” with a response to the many, many, Catholics calling for John Kerry‘s head, or at least...

The "God Gulf" at The New York Times

November 12, 2003
In a bold attempt to coin a new catchphrase, Nicholas Kristof of The New York Timeswrites of the “God gulf” between liberal and conservative...

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