
The Church of Taylor Swift

May 9, 2023Shira Telushkin
The communal, emotional, and spiritual experiences at the remarkably popular Taylor Swift dance parties

Worried White Evangelicals

April 5, 2023Sarah Diefendorf
An excerpt from "The Holy Vote: Inequality and Anxiety Among White Evangelicals"

Women Talking and Reimagining the World

April 5, 2023Christina Pasqua, Pamela Klassen
A review of the film “Women Talking” and how it reflects the real-life Mennonite community on which the movie...

Tipping Points

March 7, 2023Toby Cox
The deep ecology connecting lobsters and the religious communities that catch them

What Does BDS Really Mean?

March 7, 2023Adele Oltman
The movement to boycott Israel is divorced from the day-to-day problems facing Palestinians, and new strategies are urgently needed

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