
We Are All Egyptians

February 8, 2011
by Yasmin Moll There are tens of thousands of Egyptians in Tahrir today. And there are millions of Egyptians who...

Not Another Iran

February 6, 2011
One storyline that’s making the rounds in the wake of ongoing protests in Egypt is that an applicable comparison...

Mubarak's Reality: Baksheesh

February 4, 2011
Hosni Mubarak didn't contrive his I'm the preventer of chaos reality all alone.  The tyrannical dictator of Egypt, who...

Networking What?

February 3, 2011
A week after David Kato, a rights activist, was killed in Uganda, President Obama attends the National...

South Park Mormons

January 30, 2011
From Jo Piazza's recent story at Fox News on the forthcoming broadway musical, "The Book of Mormon," by...

Oversimplification 3, 2, 1

January 30, 2011
From Andrew Khouri's "Getting the Story Right in Egypt," a recent post at The Scoop, Diane Winston's website...

Sharia Creeps

January 30, 2011
MoJo‘s Tim Murphy does the Shari’ah in America round-up so we don’t have to.

Happy Birthday, KJV!

January 24, 2011
Elissa Lerner: The King James Bible is celebrating its 400th birthday this year, and judging from the British press,...

Frances Kissling on On Being

January 19, 2011
Frances Kissling, a visiting scholar at University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics and former president of Catholics...

By Association

January 19, 2011
An excerpt from a letter written by Justin Lee, Executive Director of The Gay Christian Network.  (Read more...

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