
20th Anniversary Celebration Photos

November 9, 2023Editorial Staff
Pictures from the 20th anniversary event for The Revealer and NYU's Center for Religion & Media
Editor's Letter

The Revealer Turns 20!

November 9, 2023Brett Krutzsch
The editor reflects on The Revealer’s first 20 years and how we’re thinking about the future

Mothers in Zion

October 4, 2023Amanda Hendrix-Komoto
The longstanding pressures Mormon women face to be mothers

The Cross and the Clinic

October 4, 2023Gillian Frank
Religious leaders, like Reverend Elinor Yeo, and their work to provide safe abortion access to thousands

Spiritual Reproductive Services

September 6, 2023Ann W. Duncan
An excerpt from “Sacred Pregnancy: Birth, Motherhood, and the Quest for Spiritual Community”

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The Revealer