Who's a Jew?

April 21, 2004
Not Kimya Zahedi, a Muslim Iranian-American, orTaylor Lasley, a Presbyterian African-American. AndClark Buden, great-grandson of Nelson Rockefeller, sure isn’t a M.O.T., regardless...

One Wicca, Two Wicca, Three...

April 21, 2004
“The notion that Wicca is America’s fastest-growing religion has achieved meme status. Everyone says it, but who started it?” Chas...

The Rise of Religious Studies

April 20, 2004
Last week Raymond McInnis, a columnist for Daily News Online, responded to a Revealer post by asking: “Why, currently, do I –as a secular humanist...

"Not This Way"

April 20, 2004
A daily collage of of religion news from the war in Iraq. Also new on The Revealer today: The Rise of Religious...

A Pigroast in Cordoba

April 19, 2004
A short report in last week’s Financial Times (subscriber only; click on #42 here to sign up for a free trial) describes one...

Welcome to Godsend

April 17, 2004
Revealer associate editor Kathryn Joyce writes: In the title story of his collection, Welcome to the Monkey House, Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.tells us what all...

Belief Unbracketed

April 16, 2004
At last — a manifesto! We wish we’d written it ourselves, but, failing that, we’re glad it came from...

Do You Believe in Blog?

April 15, 2004
Two days to Bloggercon, the open conference on weblogs convened by Dave Winer, a blog innovator and a fellow at the...

Church of Fools

April 15, 2004
A reader writes: “Enough about Blogs already and enough about internet religion!! Another week of this and The Revealer will be...

The "Freedom" of "Religion"

April 14, 2004
A daily collage of religion in the news from the war.  “None of these acts is the work of a religion....

Is Kerry Catholic?

April 13, 2004
Melinda Henneberger launches a new column on “culture war” in Newsweek, “Varia,” with a response to the many, many, Catholics calling for John Kerry‘s head, or at least...

The Second Coming of the Dawn of the Dead

April 12, 2004
Mel Gibson, wrote Chris Lehmann in reviewing The Passion for The Revealer, turned to the aesthetics of horror to spread his religion. Now Adam H. Becker explains...

Rara Politics

April 12, 2004
The New York Times’s Lydia Polgreen explores some of Haiti’s politics of religion in today’s story, “An Easter Voodoo Festival with Political Undertones.” Learn more...

A Guide for (and to) the Godless

April 9, 2004
Revealer associate editor Kathryn Joyce writes: Atheist-turned-Christian-scholar Alister McGrath has written a new book, The Twilight of Atheism: The Rise and Fall of Disbelief in...

The Difficulties of Genocide

April 9, 2004
On the tenth anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet looks at the memorials and morality tales on offer...

What does the Mehdi Army Believe?

April 7, 2004
UPDATE: “River,” an Iraqi blogger, writes: “If the situation weren’t so frightening, it would almost be amusing to see Al-Hakeem and...

Bloggercon Gets Religion

April 6, 2004
Jeff Sharlet, editor of The Revealer, writes: I’ll be moderating a discussion session on religion, spirituality, and God blogs at Bloggercon,...

The Dolorous Passion of South Park

April 5, 2004
Gut Pesach. Stewart M. Hoover writes from Colorado on last week’s already-legendary South Park episode, “The Passion of the Jew”. Stewart, a member...

Matzo Princess

April 5, 2004
“I tell people, ‘I wish I’d been an Entenmann,’ ” Michele Heilbrun, Streit’s Matzo heir, tells the NY Times‘ Corey Kilgannon. “Chocolate...

Only the Best

April 5, 2004
Ted Olsen at Christianity Today‘s weblog calls our attention to “one of the best religion cover stories [Time]—or any mainstream news...


April 4, 2004
Scholars, wonks, and rebbeles; mameles and makhers-in-their-own-minds; such are the denizens of jBlog (as the Jewish blogosphere is called)....

Sabbath Reading

April 4, 2004
Last Sunday, we wrote briefly about Peter Steinfels, a religion reporter at The New York Times and a popular pundit on things...

Where's the Why?

April 4, 2004
Why is the American press ignoring the role of religion in Iraq? The question bears that blunt a phrasing...

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