
February 1, 2005
Popetown, a satirical cartoon set in the Vatican that was cancelled by the BBC after numerous protests by British...

Scientology Stories

January 28, 2005
Amid the overabundance of articles on religion and the tsunami — who has an interpretation of the tragedy as...

Duke ISO Pugilist

January 28, 2005
Kerry Duke, dean of Tennessee Bible College, has apparently intimidated his neighbors at Tennessee State University out of hosting...

Faith-Based Investment Bankers?

January 28, 2005
The South Florida Business Journal reports, without comment, that Jeb Bush has named several insurance, investment and business executives...

Every Woman Loves a Crusader

January 28, 2005
Wild At Heart — the new book and Christian men’s movement, not David Lynch’s dark and violent love story...

Jerry Understands

January 28, 2005
Jerry Springer sympathizes with the Christians who protested the BBC’s recent airing of Jerry Springer: The Opera, and said...

The Well-Concealed Rub

January 27, 2005
James Dobson issues a press release to counter the SpongeBob fiasco, which he claims was reported all out of...

Adventist Ashes Get Catholic Burial

January 27, 2005
After a Catholic church in Boulder, Colorado publicized its practice of holding religious burials of the ashes of aborted...

One DOMA Challenge Left

January 27, 2005
After a judge dismissed lawsuits brought by three gay couples in Florida, and the couples decided not to risk...

Auschwitz Anniversary

January 27, 2005
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the main center of the Nazi’s “Final Solution,” with...

You Forgot Context

January 27, 2005
Though she’s been called “French” for it, Peggy Noonan doesn’t regret her critique of Bush’s “God-drenched” address, and adds...

Blessed Be the Fruit

January 27, 2005
Christian conservative Allan Carlson, president of a think tank called the Howard Center, proposes lower insurance rates for married...

He's So Unusual

January 26, 2005
Constitutional “originalist” U.S. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia (of “secularism led to the Holocaust” fame) yesterday scolded his fellow...

Satirist Fined Over Pope's Honor

January 26, 2005
A Warsaw court has fined Jerzy Urban, editor of the Polish newspaper Nie (No), $6,500 for writing a satirical...

Russia Remembers Auschwitz

January 26, 2005
“‘Today is a test,'” said Russia’s chief rabbi Berl Lazar. “‘People are trying to test how society will react...

God's Convenient Politics

January 25, 2005
Lucky for Democrats, Jim Wallis is able to explain God’s politics, which are a curiously good fit to the...

The A-Team

January 25, 2005
What kind of name for a band of supervillians, or even heroes, is “The Arlington Group“? More dowdy than...

UCC Evangelizes SpongeBob

January 25, 2005
Jesus wouldn’t turn away SpongeBob Squarepants, and neither does the UCC. Rev. John H. Thomas, general minister and president...

Survival of the Fittest

January 25, 2005
How come capitalist Americans, with their love of social Darwinism, and faith in “‘survival of the fittest’ free-market ideology,”...

Don't Play with Sri Lanka

January 24, 2005
Evangelical relief workers have reached Sri Lanka, which has been a hotbed of religious contention since long before the...

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