Daily Links 02 November 2004

November 2, 2004
For Those About to Rock Billboard: GOP would rather you did not rock the vote, thank you very much....

Daily Links 01 November 2004

November 1, 2004
Gimme That Old-Time Moral Clarity More moral clarity on true evil. Matthew Yglesias reports, “Rep. Peter King, one of our moderate’...

Our Magical President

October 25, 2004
Our Magical President 25 October 2004 How Bush goes beyond the Bible to create his own reality. By Jeff Sharlet...

Daily Links October 25 2004

October 25, 2004
If Hitler Was a Blogger What if you had a “best blog contest” and Hitler won? Neo-Nazis will have...

Daily Links October 24 2004

October 24, 2004
Better ‘n Hot Yoga Hey — ya like yoga? Great. Then you’ll love Killing the Buddha: A Heretic’s Bible, co-authored...

Daily Links October 12 2004

October 12, 2004
Ten Red Herrings Stop the presses — the Supreme Court has decided to hear cases on displaying the Ten...

Take One Risk

October 11, 2004
“Curator” Amanda Stern: “The Happy Ending Music and Reading Series (voted the best reading series in Manhattan by New York...

Daily Links October 11 2004

October 11, 2004
GOP Candidate on Lesbo Bathroom Action BREAKING NEWS!!! Oklahoma GOP Senate candidate Dr. Tom Coburn announces that southeast Oklahoma is THE place...

Daily Links October 9 2004

October 9, 2004
Dispatches From Printland Dispatches from printland: Kelefa Sanneh, a new contributor to The New Yorker, outdoes all the old hands with...

Daily Links October 8 2004

October 8, 2004
“And Then There Was the Time We Had the Boys Rape Some Nuns…” E. Howard Hunt on the Good...

Daily Links October 7 2004

October 7, 2004
NYT Just Plain Wrong Turns out the NYT Jodi Wilgoren piece on Kerry and Catholics (blogged below) was not only so boring...

Daily Links October 6 2004

October 6, 2004
Church v. State, Israeli Style “‘Even if the constitution includes the Ten Commandments, we will oppose it,'” said Israeli...

Daily Links October 5 2004

October 5, 2004
Forensic Theology, Ideological Surveillance Would Osama bin Laden call his enemies foreign “agents” or “infidels”? Would he speak of...

Daily Links October 4 2004

October 4, 2004
Freedom of Civic Religion (i.e., People Should Vote): Thousands of Ohio voters are at risk of not having their ballots...

Daily Links October 3 2004

October 3, 2004
A Portrait of the Suicide Bomber as a Young Man Ismail Maasawabi was 8 years old when the first...

Daily Links October 1 2004

October 1, 2004
Erotica and LaHaye Richard Bartholomew, of Bartholomew’s Notes on Religion, finds a New York Observer article about Left Behind author Tim LaHaye’s move into...

30 September 2004 Daily Links

September 30, 2004
Creationism in a lab coat: “better to appear scientific than holy.” Wired News‘ Evan Ratliffreports on the “Intelligent Design” (ID) movement...

29 September 2004 Daily Links

September 29, 2004
“‘In a sense we’ve been having Sukkot the last two weeks!'” Florida Jews experience a more literal celebration of...

28 September 2004 Daily Links

September 28, 2004
Chris Walton of Philocrites points us to religion reporter Cathleen Falsani’s Chicago Sun-Times interview with Hugh Hefner. Falsani gets the obvious over with first:...

27 September 2004 Daily Links

September 27, 2004
Banning gay marriage is, like, awesome! The In Defense of Marriage Coalition — many member churches of which have...

Too Much Pot, Too Much Beer

September 26, 2004
Revealer contributor Patton Dodd gets a starred review from Publishers Weekly for his first book, My Faith So Far: A Story of Conversion and Confusion....

26 September 2004 Daily Links

September 26, 2004
The Last Temptation of Shazia: Salon.com’s Priya Jain interviews controversial female Muslim stand-up comic, Shazia Mirza, whose act — often focusing on...

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