Whose Revolution Is It Anyway?

February 4, 2011
Slate gives us a don't-miss slideshow of Mubarak's biggest U.S. fans.  Gawker tallies up the conspiracy theories...

Happy Birthday, KJV!

January 24, 2011
Elissa Lerner: The King James Bible is celebrating its 400th birthday this year, and judging from the British press,...

What's in a name?

January 13, 2011
Elissa Lerner: Of all the exciting things the Pope could be talking about this week (the vote in...

Draw Muhammad, Hide

September 15, 2010
Wendy Norris, the artist formerly known for getting facebook banned in Pakistan, has repeatedly and publicly denied starting "Everybody...

The "Pro-Israel" Facade.

April 14, 2010
Rachel Tabachnick, who’s lately been following Christian Militias, posts this today at Talk to Action:  “On April 15-16 the Freedom...

The Union Forever

February 17, 2006
17 February 2006 “The haven for the dispossessed, the despised, the neglected, the downtrodden, the poor”: Idealists of different...

Holy Land: Holy Land

January 4, 2006
04 January 2006 A coalition of U.S. evangelical groups, led by none other than Pat Robertson, is negotiating with...

Peace Prize Fight

October 28, 2004
Peace Prize Fight 28 October 2004 Some critics in Norway and Sweden are angry that the Nobel Peace Prize concert will...

Reformation Redux

October 28, 2004
Reformation Redux 28 October 2004 Diarmaid MacCullough, an Oxford historian who’s one of the preeminent scholars of the Reformation,...

Evacuating Gaza

October 27, 2004
Evacuating Gaza 27 October 2004 Israel’s parliament voted last night to remove Jewish settlements from Palestinian territories for the...

Iraq for Hire

April 29, 2004
Also new today: “Who Killed Pat Tillman?” AP just reported that the U.S. has a new plan for subduing Fallujah — hire...

Religion News from Iraq

April 26, 2004
A daily collage of religion news from the war in Iraq. Also new today on The Revealer: Atrios & the “Liberalish”...

Voodoo Postmortem

March 31, 2004
Revealer associate editor Kathryn Joyce writes: It’s more than an un-PC cliche. “‘Voodoo is part of Haitian politics,'” voodoo priest, Philippe Castera tells Marina Jimenez,...

Hearts, Minds, Mortars

March 30, 2004
In a 2,600 word New York Times report by David Rohde on the American “Hunt… for Hearts and Minds” in Afghanistan, the role of religion...

Which Side Are You On?

March 27, 2004
Fred Barnes, executive editor of The Weekly Standard, leaves little room for doubt in hispaean to an Iraqi Christian pastor on The...

Christ of the Coup

March 22, 2004
The Revealer‘s associate editor, Kathryn Joyce, gives The Wall Street Journal’s op-ed page poor grades in theology and history: “…The Christ of...

Who Was Yassin?

March 22, 2004
Our press tells us the natives are restless, but it does not tell us why. It reports that Sheik Ahmed Yassin‘s...

Instant Religion

March 15, 2004
What’s worse than a communist? An “ultra-communist,” of course. And there’s only one cure for that disease: Jesus. AP’s Melinda Leitsinger reports from...

Holidays in Haiti

March 3, 2004
With John Kerry‘s hair looming large on the newscape, Haiti has been returned to its “place” in the hierarchy of...

The Voodoo Question

March 2, 2004
Most of the mainstream press has covered the violence in Haiti as if just learning about the country for...

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