Rodney Stark, Crusading

May 20, 2010
Were the Crusades all that bad that Bill Clinton had to apologize for them in the wake of 9/11?...

The Vatican's Moral Authority

May 19, 2010
Tony Crosthwaite writes us with an interesting observation and some history: One wonders if Rome's ongoing invitation for Anglicans to...

This Fixed, Steady Twoness

May 19, 2010
by Scott Korb Whether he intended it or not Philip Pullman has written, most recently, a religious story. And insofar...

What is the Public Square?

May 18, 2010
No longer the patch of pounded earth in the middle of town, is the public square the shrinking footprint...

Pay for Plunder

May 12, 2010
Andrew Suderman writes at The Anabaptist Network in South Africa (ANiSA) that the "Green Bishop," Anglican Geoffrey Davies, recently...

Using All The Parts

May 11, 2010
There's not a stitch or shred or scrap that my good Mennonite grandmother didn't see fit for other uses....

Faith and Trust

May 10, 2010
The nomination of Elana Kagan to the Supreme Court has a few progressive commentators rightly chattering over the...

Believing in Prison

May 7, 2010
On May 1, our sister site, Killing the Buddha, hosted an event in midtown NYC titled, "The Prison-Spirituality Complex."...

Leave It To The Amish

May 5, 2010
Ok, conservatives can hate the Amish all they want for their exemption from the health care mandate. ...

Limits to Religious Liberty?

May 5, 2010
The Washington Post's On Faith blog has a roundtable of posts on the limits to religious liberty, by...

Election Time, Philippines

May 5, 2010
Despite constitutional separation of church and state, next week's presidential election is keeping many Filipino church leaders very...

Buy Christian

May 4, 2010
You've got to put your God-given capital somewhere! A new index fund has been established for those with...

It's In the Dictionary

May 3, 2010
The Revealer and Killing the Buddha contributor Mary Valle has been keeping us abreast of the developments...

Adapting Ritual.

April 30, 2010
Meera Subramanian, senior editor at our sister site Killing the Buddha, has an article in today's Wall Street...

Abortion as "Black Genocide"

April 30, 2010
Read former Revealer managing editor Kathryn Joyce's new article on efforts by the Religious Right to gain new...

Even More Apocalyptic.

April 27, 2010
Tim LaHaye, of "Left Behind" publishing fame, has a new series of books on the way. Bill Berkowitz...

Unholy Mandate

April 25, 2010
We're a little late to catch up with this article by Sarah Posner at The American Prospect on...

Threatening Evolution

April 21, 2010
Peter Enns, a Senior Fellow of Biblical Studies at The BioLogos Foundation, has a new essay up at their...

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