Roncalli Diaries

January 4, 2005
The publication of diaries belonging to Angelo Roncalli (the future Pope John XXIII) have rekindled controversy about Pope Pius XII...

The Missionary Generation

January 4, 2005
It’s time, apparently, for a new youth generation label, and Naomi Schaefer Riley’s got it: The Missionary Generation. In her...

It Worked Edmund Gwenn

January 3, 2005
The Dutch postal agency TPG has announced that it will send all anonymous letters to God to the Netherland’s evangelical broadcasting...

Faith-Based Status Quo?

January 3, 2005
A number of agencies that received federal funding earmarked for faith-based organizations were surprised to find that the government...

The Orange Star

January 3, 2005
“‘We had to use the heaviest tools we had in order to shock the State of Israel. As someone...

Susan Sontag's Legacy

January 3, 2005
More than 400 artists and writers have signed a letter to publically support Gurpreet Kaur Bhatti, the playwright whose controversial play, Dishonour,...

Next Year, Same Place

December 23, 2004
Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Joyous Federal Non-Work Days to all! The Revealer will be taking its first formal publishing...

Daily Links 21 December 2004

December 21, 2004
The Shelf-Life of Angels Bia Lowe investigates the devolution of angels, lyrics, and humanity: “It is still a mystery as...

Daily Links 20 December 2004

December 20, 2004
Don’t Bum to the Monks Thailand’s National Buddhism Office has proposed that Thai cigarette packs carry an additional consumer warning, that...

Daily Links 17 December 2004

December 17, 2004
Just Like a Greek Tragedy Not content with proving the existence of God, Google aims to recreate His mind. Mob Morality Stoner...

Daily Links 16 December 2004

December 16, 2004
The Robes of Church and State A circuit court judge in the Alabama town of Andalusia, Ashley McKathan, has...

Daily Links 15 December 2004

December 15, 2004
Who’s Your Jesus? Douglas LeBlanc, of GetReligion, sees Ray Waddle’s four “Dueling Messiahs” (“Free-market Messiah,” “Peace-and-Justice Jesus,” “Silence of the...

Daily Links 14 December 2004

December 14, 2004
Shepard Reports Called “Anti-Christian” NBC News has refused a request from Focus on the Family that Today Show host Katie Couric...

Daily Links 13 December 2004

December 13, 2004
Wash Away Your Sins Cleansing Bar We saw this advertised as “the perfect Christmas gift for Pagans,” but the manufacturers of...

Daily Links 10 December 2004

December 10, 2004
Serbian Orthodox Church Sues The Bishop of Serbia’s Orthodox Church has brought a lawsuit against England, France, Germany and Italy, for...

Daily Links 09 December 2004

December 9, 2004
Special Ops Bible Chuck Currie points to this Sojourners story on a new custom-line of Bibles that the Defense Department has commissioned...

Daily Links 08 December 2004

December 8, 2004
Dinosaurs Were Created, Too “Uneasy answering questions about radiocarbon dating? Rock layers? Natural selection? Do you want to believe...

Daily Links 07 December 2004

December 7, 2004
Schadenfreude Liberal mega-bloggers are indulging in some misplaced schadenfreude over the sad and ugly story of an Iowa Assemblies of God...

Daily Links December 06 2004

December 6, 2004
“When the holy mother sizzle is the only sound you hear” Golden Palace, the casino that bought the “Virgin...

Daily Links 05 December 2004

December 5, 2004
Embedded Myth Dahr Jamail is an “unembedded” journalist in Iraq, reporting for his own blog and an Alaskan Weekly. He claims that...

Daily Links 04 December 2004

December 4, 2004
If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Make ‘Em Join You Fast on the heels of the recent victories for “Intelligent...

Daily Links 03 December 2004

December 3, 2004
Gods of Nationalism Kalyan Singh, leader of the Indian Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), today deposed before theLiberhan Commission, a...

Daily Links 02 December 2004

December 2, 2004
Against Spirituality Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet on the CBC (Canadian public radio) program “Tapestry,” Sunday, December 5, at 2:05 p.m....

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