Christian Legal Society

April 7, 2005
An Illinois chapter of the Christian Legal Society, a law student group that requires its members to “adhere to...


April 6, 2005
France’s decision to fly flags at half-mast yesterday and on Friday in honor of the pope has caused a...

Back to the Retail Fold

April 5, 2005
Time was when poor churches rented retail space in malls and storefronts because their congregations were unable to buy...

Christianity Without God

April 4, 2005
Adding to the young discourse on megachurches in exurbia, former religion editor and author of A Turbulent Peace: The...

Other People's Holidays

April 4, 2005
The San Antonio Express-News experiments with a new strategy for overthrowing the country’s secular overlords: make atheists look like...

Good Coverage and Good Press

April 4, 2005
We’re pretty juvenile here at The Revealer, and we get jealous when a lot of other people start nosing...

Kansas Ban

April 4, 2005
Kansas is gearing up for its very own gay marriage ban with poster campaigns, neighborly division, a “Mayday for...

The Non-Traditional Body of Christ

April 4, 2005
Gene Robinson, the openly gay Anglican Bishop whose consecration is at the heart of the Communion’s current divisions, has...

Flirting With Mob Morality

April 1, 2005
There’s nothing like being exposed to national ridicule by The New York Times to make a science museum rediscover...

Antiabortion Order

March 31, 2005
The Missionaries of the Gospel of Life, a new, explicitly political, order of Catholic priests which will dedicate itself...

This Is the Fray

March 31, 2005
Cynthia Burton of the Philadelphia Inquirer surveys the market value of religiosity for New Jersey candidates running at the...

Republican Roots

March 30, 2005
As House Republicans discuss an upcoming vote on a proposal that would ease restrictions on federal funding for stem-cell...

Church V. BBC

March 30, 2005
The BBC has aggravated (some) religious sensibilities again, and sparked a minor Church of England scuffle, with its Christmas...

Stang Suspect Held

March 29, 2005
A Brazilian farmer suspected of killing Dorothy Stang has turned himself in to the police, though he denies involvement...

Hunter S. Thompson Is Not Dead

March 29, 2005
In a story that sounds like a schizophrenic explosion of multiple American dreams, a West Virginia man dressed as...

Party Like It's 2006

March 29, 2005
End-Times Update (U.S. only): After analyzing and interpreting various Koranic verses, Palestinian scholar Ziad Silwadi has published a study...

Eye for an Eye

March 29, 2005
Focus on the Family gears up for James Dobson’s appearance on MSNBC’s Scarborough Country tonight, where the good doctor...

Spring Break Eternal

March 28, 2005
What does Campus Crusader Becca Johnson hear on the beach in Florida this spring break? Not waves or partying...

Columbia Wars

March 28, 2005
New York Magazine’s Jennifer Senior speaks to WNYC’s Brian Lehrer on the controversy at Columbia University’s Middle East Studies...

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