Belief and Disbelief

July 7, 2006
Salon writer Steve Paulson talks belief with disbeliever Sam Harris, author of the bestselling book The End of Faith....


July 7, 2006
“Hamza Walker Lindh has come to embody the challenge of Islam to America, and the challenge is simply this:...

Updike Misses Jihad

July 5, 2006
“If only the novelist had spent more time dreaming himself into the paranoid and angry world of Qutb and...

Who's Kooky, Now?

June 27, 2006
Slate‘s Martin Edlund trots out what will likely soon be the reigning narrative for mainstream coverage of the “religious...

Loss for Words

June 21, 2006
Linda Wertheimer’s NPR interview this morning with retiring Bush speechwriter Michael Gerson is surprisingly tough, openly skeptical of Gerson’s...

Valedictorian Altar Call

June 20, 2006
Valedictorian Brittany McComb tried her luck at freedom of (graduation) speech outburst last week when she deviated from the...

Progressive Faith Blog Con

June 16, 2006
Announcing the first annual Progressive Faith Blog Con, a gathering by and for religious and/or progressive bloggers. The conference...


June 14, 2006
New Yorkers: Tonight, Revealer editor Jeff Sharlet and Revealer contributor Laurel Snyder join novelist Katharine Weber at the “Novel...

Better Kept A Secret

June 10, 2006
This morning’s Guardian reports that a “secret high-level” study commissioned by London’s Directorate of Professional Standards has been leaked....

Professor of Repression

May 29, 2006
Some of the best foreign affairs investigative reporting of the moment is to be found in “Washington Babylon,” Ken...

Hell Froze...

May 18, 2006
And the devil put on his mittens: George F. Will, sanctimonious conservative pundit, demolishes an “aggressively annoying new phrase...

Muscle Car Minutemen

May 10, 2006
If you dig awesome 1970s muscle cars and fascist-tinged anti-immigrant activism, then you just gotta check out this red,...

The "Duh" in Fundamentalism

May 8, 2006
Our favorite Weekly Standard writer — actually, the only one we really like — Matt LaBash goes on tour...

Christians and Immigrants

May 4, 2006
“The future growth of the Christian Right,” writes Tanya Erzen, “depends on whether it can mobilize African-American and Latino...


May 4, 2006
Margaret Atwood reimagines the story of Herodias’s daughter — the girl who called for John the Baptist’s head —...

Prayers for Oil

May 4, 2006
A small story that gets no press, because it’s wacky and kind of pathetic: D.C. prayer rally at a...

Gimme A Medal

May 3, 2006
Sharlet: I’m a finalist in the national reporting category for the $10,000 Livingston Award for journalists under 35, for...

Rolling Stone Revival

May 3, 2006
“Bush’s faith-based conception of his mission, which stands above and beyond reasoned inquiry, jibes well with his administration’s pro-business...

Workplace Gospel

May 2, 2006
The boundaries of religious expression in the workplace — a cause defended by an over-broad coalition that links religious...

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