Happy Birthday Zionism

April 25, 2012
Amy Levin: Given that today and tomorrow mark two extremely important national holidays in Israel beginning with

The Israeli Government's Mad Men

December 8, 2011
Amy Levin:  They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Well, that’s debatable. Due to a recent Israeli government-sponsored...

Wiesenfeld's Obsessions

May 13, 2011
Examine what is said, not him who speaks. - Arab Proverb According to The Forward, it's tough times for...

The Persistence of Arendt

April 16, 2011
At Tikkun, Ralph Seliger re-examines the legacy of Hannah Arendt, the Jewish-German philosopher often shorthanded as an ardent...

Incitement Double Standards

April 3, 2011
by Matthew Berkman This article is reposted in whole from Foreign Policy.  The original article can be found here. This...

Israel's Fan in Hollywood

March 27, 2011
Elizabeth Taylor, who died this week at the age of 79, was an ardent friend and supporter of...

Not Another Iran

February 6, 2011
One storyline that’s making the rounds in the wake of ongoing protests in Egypt is that an applicable comparison...

Heaven for Infiltrators

January 17, 2011
Ashley Makar writes at Tablet about Sudanese refugees in Israel. A clip: The Knesset’s information branch reports that...

Journos in Israel-Palestine

June 25, 2010
Diane Winston (the Knight chair in Media and Religion at the Annenberg School for Communication at USC, master of...

Pulling Up Roots

June 9, 2010
Stephanie Butnick: In Tablet, Ryann Liebenthal accompanies a group of French Jews as they move to Israel. After...

Israel's Flotilla Fallout

June 1, 2010
Updated: 6.5 Israeli navy has boarded the second flotilla bound for Gaza. Political cartoons from around the Arab...

Uncomfortable Zionism

May 23, 2010
Peter Beinart published an article in the New York Review of Books last week, "The Failure of the...

Caterpillar Divestment

February 7, 2006
07 February 2006 The Church of England’s general synod, backed by Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, has voted to disinvest from...

"More Jewish" Gentiles

January 30, 2006
30 January 2006 Orthodox Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, a veteran of efforts to bring evangelicals and Jews together over Israeli issues, continued...


January 13, 2006
13 January 2006 Shiavo/Sharon? The AP predicts that Ariel Sharon’s response after doctors bring him out of his artificial, drug-induced coma...

Worldly Retribution

January 11, 2006
11 January 2006 Lo and behold, Pat Robertson has managed to louse up his own plans this time, if...

The Book of Pat

January 6, 2006
06 January 2006 From the land of absent internal censors: Pat Robertson wonders aloud whether the sudden stroke suffered by Israeli...

Letters to God

December 15, 2005
15 December 2005 Yesterday, Israeli mailmen performed their semi-annual delivery of letters to God, which, like U.S. letters to...

Red Crystal

December 6, 2005
06 December 2005 Red Cross, Red Crescent, Red Star of David, Red Crystal? Diplomats from 192 countries are meeting...

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