May the Truth Force Be With You

June 5, 2011
India's yoga guru, Baba Ramdev, is on a hunger strike starting yesterday, along with 100,000 of his followers...

Indian Bioethical Import/Export

June 25, 2010
Michael Cook at BioEdge writes that what happens in bioethics in the U.S., Britain, and Australia is worth watching...

City of Life and Death

May 31, 2010
There wasn’t a dearth of death in Benares; as one walked or drove on its streets, small groups of...

India's Holy Shahs

May 12, 2010
We've been a giant fan of BibliOdyssey, a site of printed treasures curated by Peacay (or...

The Zeal of the Re-Convert

December 28, 2005
28 December 2005 There’s an elephant-sized religion story behind this short news item from The Times of India, which...

Daily Links 03 December 2004

December 3, 2004
Gods of Nationalism Kalyan Singh, leader of the Indian Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), today deposed before theLiberhan Commission, a...

19 September 2004 Daily Links

September 19, 2004
Doug Grow, of The Minneapolis Star Tribune, reports on the tempest-in-a-teapot in central Minnesota’s Renville County, after Texas-transplant Rick Blauvelt...

19 August 2004 Daily Links

August 19, 2004
Everyone likes a winner: Bush has been using images of the Iraqi soccer team in his advertising and inserting...

20 July 2004 Daily Links

July 24, 2004
News of the Weird (press releases): on Sept 12, 2004, in Washington, D.C., the National Council of Churches will...

02 July 2004 Daily Links

July 2, 2004
“There was a cartoon a few weeks ago, I forget where, and there was a drawing of someone giving...

Cows -- Sacred, Mad, and Bad

January 12, 2004
Religious fascism is a funny thing. Well, not really, but it is peculiar, especially in India, where to be...

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